Our Services

We are here to help

Smart City-wide support and guidance with integration (24/7) of Home I-VAST with Mobile I-VAST and City I-VAST Units.

Home I-VAST Icon


Personalized voice assistant with its packages in places such as residental properties, care homes, retirement properties.

City I-VAST Units Icon

City I-VAST Units

Installed at strategic locations within smart cities such as train stations, central bus terminals, hospitals.

Mobile I-VAST Icon

Mobile I-VAST

On mobile devices as downloadable "Mobile I-VAST" apps to be used by disadvantaged people.

From the last decade concept of Smart city has gain importance worldwide. Smart healthcare is the crucial part of smart cities and will play very important role in converting traditional cities to smart cities.

While COVID-19 posed significant hurdles to cities worldwide, it also accelerated a wave of innovation that will continue after the crisis, shows the new “Smart City Solutions for a Riskier World” study.

Researches in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have made medical services smarter with high quality which is improving living standards of individual.